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Stress Fractures
These fractures result from repetitive submaximal loads applied to the foot, ankle, leg; they are usually the result of overuse (in athletes, over-training). They are common in long distance runners and female athletes.
Common stress fracture sites include the lower leg (in runners), calcaneus, talus, metatarsals in distance runners, and the big toe.
Pain and point tenderness, often relieved by rest, is typical. X-rays do not always show the fracture. Bone scans and MRI may be useful.
Most heal with rest, immobilization and cross training. Avoid high-impact workouts, and wear good shoes.
Possible Treatments
Possible Treatment Goals
- Decrease Risk of Reoccurrence
- Improve Function
- Improve Muscle Strength and Power
- Increase Oxygen to Tissues
- Self-care of Symptoms
- Improve Safety
- Improve Tolerance for Prolonged Activities
Additional Resources
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